The Scimitar 4 Jul 2018
Warmest of warm greetings to you all from our frosty and freezing palace at the North
Wowie…Mother Nature has come back at us with a vengeance!! After a few quiet and not too cool winters…she is now showing us who the boss is and has made it really cold…proper!! With a fair bit of frost already this year, I thought most of the “goggas” and bugs would have been taken out already…but with the prospect of black frost (and reports this morning of some decidedly freezing temperatures…and not too far from us either) I think the possibility of us freezing the balls on the brass monkey, have moved from a perhaps to a definitive “YES”…and for anyone thinking that I am being facetious about the monkey and its family jewels…come and ask me on Friday night….I will explain it fully JJ…. When I stayed out in the “sticks” in Natal…I found out that the farmers were really unhappy if we did not have a bitterly, cold winter with plenty of frost to kill all the ever present “nunu’s”…and their planting of summer crops (and the success thereof) would be determined by the amount of frost and precipitation we had experienced through the dark winter months…I trust that this year, all our farmers will be in for bumper crops in the summer…
Despite the cool weather…there are still some magnificent sunrises and sunsets…so if you are one of the photographic fellows who enjoys the feeling and seeing magnificence of Nature in all its glory…please take some time out to witness one of these amazing scenes….the different hues of colours in the sky set off with distinct clarity against the starkness of silhouettes in front of them and are an experience to behold and cherish….
And onto our weekend….we definitely put the tent over the terrace to full use on Friday…and I believe it came out with flying colours….with the Comrades runners “Aches and Pains” celebratory party being hosted in the Hall…the entertainment (the ever popular 5 piece band, carrying the name Omega) found itself a new little niche spot in the corner of the tent…and definitely warmed the evening up with their tunes…plenty of memories were on the playlist…which resulted in some outrageous dance moves….ever more outlandish singing…but definitely a night to remember…the runners in the Hall joined in on the festivities after their presentations were complete…and gave the staff a rousing loooong night…. J….. all in all a marvellous evening….the tent area was quite “gesellig”…with the lovely fire from the Ladies bar adding to the ambience of the area….a gas heater also took the chill off the evening, so the future of this area as a massive party place looks promising….. And just in case we don’t forget the joker draw is still “alive and kicking” as Logan Green. our intrepid City Times reporter and blogger, for once having his own photo taken, made his choice, which turned out to be the eight of Clubs….and with our solid turnout of people on the night…means that the joker draw has jumped up by over R3000 to R57893… this week there are 48 cards available for you to pick from and walk away as the new Joker Jackpot winner…and all of that for only a R5 wager….come along and try your luck this week…. for the Karaoke lovers….this week awe will be looking for new talent on the block….all those Members and their guest who like to rip it up on the microphone…please pop along….a little birdie has told me that our ever green Chairman wants to be first up this week…. be there to see if he is..
Saturday produced a memorable day for the Soccer boys….a win for our top two sides against Zwide was a momentous occasion and a set of victories worth celebrating….Hopefully we have turned the corner and from this point on will enjoy more points on a weekly basis….we have Kempton Park visiting us this week at the North…so pop along and give the boys some awesome support….our Colts had a bye last weekend, but are back on Sunday afternoon at the North against Robertsham….a positive result will reinforce their position at the helm of the standings….please come along to show our backing of these future leaders of our Club….
Rugby have had a bit of an hiatus (and yes Manny, there is such a word) but this week they are back…and with a vengeance…they will be hosting the centralised fixtures for the day….so there will literally be a hive of activity across the road….Meyerton will play Sasolburg, whilst we will fight for supremacy against Nigel…I have it on good authority that some of the rugby old boys will be down to wish our new charges well…and it looks to be a marvellous day of festivities, rugby and plenty of reminiscing amongst the players, officials and spectators…if you are a supporter of the techniques and nuances of the oval ball….I would definitely recommend a visit on Saturday afternoon….
Our Baseballers are playing some great ball at the moment and both of our Major sides had wins again this week….the A’s easily overcoming the Mets…whilst the B’s beat a game Alex….keep it up boys that is superb….we will be following your successes closely….
There has also been a feast of hockey at the Astro with hordes of hockey players thronging around the Club adding to the general spirit we have created…I must say that I have been enjoying the feeling of well being that all of these players have added to our winter festivities in the beer garden and Scimitar, with their fines and antics after their respective matches….
With spring fast approaching, I think that the tent is going to be a much sought after area…offering some shade and relief from the sun…It is going to be interesting to see which is more popular…the tent or the Beer Garden…..(I won’t let on yet…but there are plans for some interesting developments in these areas….but once these are confirmed…you will be the first to know)…actually, you’ll be the second, because I will be first…but I won’t try to explain it to you Manny (suffice to say, it is a figure of speech)
The Soccer World Cup is now at the business end of the Competition…as we approach the Quarter Final Stages…. we will have all the remaining matches shown….most of them on the big screen that we will put up in the tent…..keep an eye on social media and our notices around the Club for specials that will be available during these particular matches….we have lost a few obvious specials Mexico / Tequila, Germany / Beer, Colombia / ?? J….but I am sure we will still find a reason to have more tequila…even if Mexico aren’t there to participate any longer…. So keep your eyes and ears peeled….the next 10 days are going to be a little hectic….
Enough they cried from the peanut gallery… I am going close off for this week.. hopefully enough news and info to satisfy all….thanks for all the feedback and positive (and some negative – thanks Manny) remarks….I will endeavour to improve my editorial based on your responses….so please keep them coming to …we will constantly strive to improve….
Cheers…see you all soon
Logan Green (Athletics) drew the 8 of Clubs. Joker Draw sitting on R57893.00 for Friday 06th July. Be present to win it!!
Follow Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for upcoming FAN PARK events.
Benoni Northerns Sports Club have 3 Soccer World Cup Pools that you can join and play in. See details below to join them!
World Cup – Score Predictions:…
Pool name: BNSC – World Cup 2018
Pool code: jiltmaya
World Cup – Fantasy Team:…
Pool name: BNSC – World Cup Fantasy Team
Pool code: rashseal
World Cup – 5 A Side…/pool.php…
Pool name: BNSC – World Cup 5 A Side
Pool code: semihint
Every year this lovely lady, Jeanette Claasen has opened her home to let our Runnersdrink water (after conquering Fishers Hill), on our Saturday morning hill training. She is moving house and so our special water stop is no more. Thank to Michael Pappas for going to visit and delivering our thank you gift to her. We are very grateful for Jeanette’s kind heart.
I don’t even run for BNAC but this club makes me more proud of being a runner from Benoni than words can express. Every photo or video of a race in S.A. has a BNAC runner tucked away in it somewhere. You guys make me proud. – Andrew Holgreaves
Hi all. Last chance to book for the this spectacular and Quizathon this coming weekend at Mets. Teams of 5 required for both Hi5 and Quiz. Fun for the whole family. Plenty of things for sale and lots of prizes to be won. Help out Benoni boys get to Panama. Please forward to all your family and friends
⚾️ hope to see you all there
Junior Cricket have a U12 squad touring to Sri Lanka later this year. They are current running a fundraiser and will be having a barnyard evening in July.
This Saturday 07th July, our Rugby boys are having their first centralised fixtures and are hosting the entire day on the Rugby “B” Field at the North.