The Scimitar 29 Aug 2017
Warm greetings from the icy offices at the North
Wowie….After lulling us into believing that Spring was definitely arriving, Mother Nature played a little trump card over the weekend and produced some of the chilliest winds and weather in a while…All those playing sport, felt the biting freshness of the wind and anyone having an early start didn’t see the sun as it was hiding behind the mist for the first few hours..
But let us begin with Friday night…and the North was sizzling with activity…we hosted our first “Classic Movies in the Park” and judging from all the comments and feedback, this is a winner! All the parents were able to allow their children to feel what the excitement is of outdoor movies…and the atmosphere generated reminded me of the drive-in’s of my youth…I have to admit, I did not miss the distinctly “tinny” sound of those horrible speakers that used to hang inside our cars at the drive-in…there were huge big speakers giving excellent quality sound for the movie and the quality of the film was excellent…based the smiling faces, giggles and laughter that were forthcoming made the event worthwhile…thanks to the Round Table for setting everything up…you have definitely added value to our night market…we’ll see you next month again…
As mentioned the night market was also on…and we had quite a few brave souls attending…I think this was one of our better attended markets in a while, so thank you to everyone who took the time out to join us in the festivities…while all this was happening, the Zimmer Twinz were keeping our feet tapping and vocal chords busy as they played some old favourites and added some new covers too…they have proved to be a most popular duo… we will see more of them in the future….
For all those Members and Punters interested in the Joker Draw…we have another carry over… Mark Minott was only able to find where the King of Hearts was hiding…so our Jackpot now moves up to R140 715. we started to see that the following for the Joker Draw is beginning to gain momentum…so remember not to wait to the last minute as the ticket sales are beginning to become a little hectic as we near the cut-off for ticket sales…I noticed that parking last week was also becoming a little more difficult, so plan to arrive a little earlier and avoid the bottle necks in the car park and at the sales desk….The Members draw has also climbed by another R200 and now stands at R3200…Our Friday raffle and Members draws start at 19h00, while last Joker ticket sales are at 19h20, with the draw commencing at 19h30… Tickets for the Joker draw are R5…the more tickets you buy, the greater are your chances of being selected…come along on Friday and try your luck!!
Saturday had a misty start, but the juniors were all very busy on their respective fields…hockey, soccer, rugby and cricket… Cricket has now started and trials were held on the weekend…I have been told that there are a couple of the age-groups that were under subscribed, so keep an eye on the Scimitar, the local Benoni City Times or their website, for the relevant additional trial dates and times….Hockey for the Juniors is beginning to slow down, but soccer and rugby still have quite a few games left in their seasons….and our Baseball begins next week…so all our fields will be busy again with all the sub-sections keeping the ground staff busy with preparations…Good luck to them all, may all your results always be most gratifying…
The 1st soccer team shared the spoils with Highlands Park 2-2. Whilst the second side had a walkover as Highlands could not field a side….there was much celebration at the club, when the fourth side, courtesy of a 4-3 win over Boksburg, were crowned as league champions! Great stuff to the chaps, that is wonderful…. This week our top two sides are at home against Luso…let’s get up to the North on Saturday, as both of these sides try to cement their places in the top three in the league. Good luck boys, we are behind you all the way….
Sunday also had a misty and chilly start…with both Athletic and the Hockey boys having to weather the fresh conditions…the hockey fellows busied themselves with the task at hand….and by 10 am, the sun popped it’s head out to make it a “proper” Sunday… whilst the runners took the trek to Joburg to compete and complete the Wanderers Half Marathon…for some it was their first competitive outing after the Comrades…and I heard about a few sets of tired and under trained legs after the race…but judging from all the photos that I saw, it appears that there were large field of successful Northerns runners…well done to all that competed… a special well done to our intrepid roving reporter from the City Times, Logan Green, who completed his first half marathon…hopefully we will see you in Northerns kit for the next one!!
We have a fairly busy weekend and September coming up…keep on checking all the Facebook pages, our website and the Scimitar for all the upcoming events….this Saturday we are hosting a “Brandyfest” with quite a line up of musicians…I see our very popular local boys, Crystal Park, will be here and then the legendary Afrikaans Rapper, Jack Parow, makes his debut at the North… Come along to this party, it promises to be an amazing day out. As mentioned previously, our football boys are also in action, so we may see them waltzing down the touchline to the beats of the Brandyfest…. the ladies hockey, is in the play-off stages, so all the winners of the league, cup and promotion / relegation games will be decided this weekend…the rivalry in the matches should be at fever pitch…come down and watch the skills on show at the Astro from early on Saturday afternoon….
For some of our older Members, they will remember the early days of television, when there was a show called Biltong and Potroast…. Well the North has been able to secure two of the buggers that were in that show and they will be appearing in the Hall soon… Tony Stewart and Mel Miller have teamed up together and are presenting “Two Old Farts” comedy act at the Benoni Northerns Hall on September 16 at 19h00… tickets are on sale at the Main Bar from Shepherd, or phone your bookings through to Glenda on the office number 011 849 3410…it promises to be a great show, so get your booking in, as the tables are filling up quickly…
I am sure that everyone has seen the current state of the renovations and the final pieces of the puzzle are beginning to take place… The entrance is looking quite grand, while the passage has had a complete makeover since we started…I feel that this has a fantastically warm “welcome to the North” feel…the new change and storerooms have been long awaited …and I can’t wait to sit on the new terrace / patio / veranda to watch our teams competing… hope to see you all there soon….
Looking forward to seeing you all over the weekend…take care…keep warm…but most of all…have fun!
Cheers Rod ( is my email for suggestions, complaints and compliments…I’m waiting to hear from you)
Friday Night Club Draw RESULTS: 25th August 2017
Member Weekly Draw: 2 x Cases SAB: Lourens Smit (Rugby) – Not Present
Club Member Draw: R3 000.00: Tammy Dickson (Hockey) – Not Present
Winnings now stand at R 3 200.00. for 01st September 2017 at 19h00
Weekly Raffle Draw: 1 x Case SAB: Glen Barnard (Social)
Matts Meat Voucher: John Nel (Social)
Mark Minott drew the King of Hearts. Joker Draw another turnover!!!! Now sitting on
R 140 715.00 for Friday 01st September. Be there to win it! !
Moms and Dads, you can bring your little one with to Brandy Fest this Saturday.
Clamber Club Parties – East Rand will be entertaining the kids under 12.
Entrance for kids under 12 will be R50.
Training times:
Tuesday: Club run – 05:00 from the Club 10km
Wednesday: Club run – 05:00 from the club 8km
Wednesday: Club run – 17:45 from the Club 10km
Friday: Club run – 05:00 from the Club 10km
Saturday: Starts at 7am until the end of August
Walking times:
Wednesday: 17:30 from the Club
Wanderers 21km
Finally did my first half marathon. Shot to my brother Dazz for the great motivation. This running stuff is tough! I need a beer. – Logan Green – BCT
03-Sep |
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E (1) |
03-Sep |
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WIN CD (1) |
WIN CD (2) |
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G (2) |
Knock outs |
Knock outs |
win ab (3) |
bye |
loser ab |
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Loser ef (3) |
win cd |
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e (4) |
loser cd (4) |
bye |
03-Sep |
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WIN EF (1) |
WIN CD (2) |
Knock outs |
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17 |
loser AB (3) |
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loser EF |
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loser CD (4) |
Senior Trials 2017-18
Last Game Match Results:
Super League beat Highlands 2-2
2nds vs Highlands – walkover 2-0
3rds vs Edenvale – walkover 2-0
4ths beat Boksburg 4-3 and won the League
Colts vs Sister Monica – walkover 2-0. Through to the Cup final
For all the League Standings visit
BNFC vs LUSO FC – Benoni Northern Sports Club
Saturday 02.09.17
Kick Offs – 2nds – 13h45 and 1sts – 15h30
2-Sep | 13h45 | Benoni North RES | vs | Luso Africa RES | NorthernAreas | RES | A Field | ||
2-Sep | 14h00 | Benoni North Seniors Div 3 | vs | Alberton B | Edenvale | 4th Side | Away | ||
2-Sep | 15h30 | Benoni North SL | vs | Luso Africa SL | NorthernAreas | 1st | A Field |

Derby Day! 9th September 2016
1st Team beat UJ B 4-2 with Darren Thysse, Don Miller, Michael Faulds and Raymond Lindsay each scoring a goal. David Fink earned his 150th 1st team cap.