The Scimitar 28 Aug 2018
A fine good morning to everyone……
And while we were just thinking that spring was about to poke it’s wonderful head around the corner….the last of August brought some serious winds……accompanied with bitterly cool air from the snow covered mountains…and winter says…I’m not done yet….keep your winter woollies close at hand… may need them again before I’m done with you….and while that is going on…the fruit trees are ablaze with blossoms with brilliant green of the first new leaves making their appearance….and each day when I go into our garden, I can hear the constant buzzing of the bees as they busy themselves with pollinating and making more honey for our nation….but this time of the year also indicates new beginnings…clean outs….spring cleaning…. so for some it indicates additional work…as we await the warmer weather and lazy braai’s, swimming and relaxing….roll on summer….
Our sports calendar appeared to be a little quiet last weekend….but that did not really happen….as the ladies still played hockey on Saturday afternoon…and hockey on Sunday was a great success…as the annual men’s “Crutch” tournament was completed…..lots of hockey on the Astro…with all sorts of alcoholic concoctions being consumed…..some from a bulk funnel that the Rogues produces…copious quantities from varying forms of bottles and cans…followed by an excellent lunch…and the post mortems and analysis of the day went on late into afternoon….some in fact having to get the flood lights switch on to complete their review of the days play…..I am sure that some of the conversations sounded like under water Bulgarian….but it appears that everyone understood the gist…thanks for a great day chaps…these festivals are always a barrel of fun…and Sunday proved to be no exception to the rule….
The baseballers were all involved in the semi-finals of the cup….and with a 3 out of 4 success rate….they were extremely chuffed with the afternoons results…..only the Major ‘B’ boys lost out to the Midgets….while Major ‘A’, Senior Reserves and the Minors have all successfully negotiated their way to the finals….good luck for that boys…we will keep you all our readers (Manny and one other) posted about when these thrilling fixtures will occur.
The up and coming Colts Soccer side made their appearance at the North with the sun well past its Zenith…(and the Hockey boys were beginning to converse in foreign tongues) against one of the more accomplished sides this season, Wynberg Tigers….but nothing could stop our boys on the day…and they came out as 7-3 winners….a great result chaps….now only one more win to make you Cup champions…. they are back to league action this weekend…and take on the same opposition (Tigers) at the North on Sunday, with the kick off at 3.30….all the best chaps…let’s carry on where we left off last week…
Our senior sides are also back in action on Saturday….also at the North with the second side starting at 13h45 followed by the first side at 15h30….this is our second last game of the season…and Robertsham make to trip out east….let us hope that our really solid finishing run will continue….for the first side to end up a little better in the table…whilst for the seconds…we need to regain the momentum that had earlier in the season…before experiencing a little hiccough in the last few weeks….Fish two more games and two wins mean that your side will be crowned as league champions…let us get out there and do it….
Friday night proved to be another cracker of an evening…with the Zimmer Twinz playing some brilliant covers in the Scimitar…meant the there were plenty of dancing antics….although I have given legal advice to use the word dancing quite broadly….but with Deon Breedt having the luck of the Irish and winning both of raffle prizes…we had a lot of Members claiming that Deon must have crossed my palm with some silver….but my defence proved that the draw was legit and my name was not Judas… and when he didn’t get called up as the potential Joker draw winner…all was declared fair “in love and war”…. the distinction of having his name drawn out of the beeeeg black box, this week fell onto the shoulders of Malcolm Louw…who did a critical analysis of the board while he stood in front of it…but his luck deserted him…as he pointed to top right corner……this card proving to be the two of hearts….much to clapping and joyous applause of the remaining patrons….so this week, the Jackpot jumps up to R70097…. tickets will be on sale from about 17h00 in the hall….for only R5 each…take as many as you wish, to improve your chances…..last sales are at 19h20…with the draw taking place at 19h30….
This week we have the return of the night market….so there will be all sorts of goodies on sale….come through to see what fare is on offer….we also have all of our draws…Members, raffle and Joker….and the father and son duo of the Wilsons will be up to entertain you….they rarely take a break….so it will be non-stop music from start to finish….join us this great evening of end of the month fun….
The celebration of the life of “Joe” Vercueil…will be held at the North on Thursday from about one’o’clock-ish.. (which is directly after the funeral at the Northfield Methodist Church at 12 noon) so please join us to bid this amazing human being a fitting farewell….. till we meet again my mate….
And on that sombre note….I bid you farewell….have a great week…I’ll hopefully see you all soon… (let me know if we’re getting things wrong or right, by dropping me an email to take care and stay warm….
Cheers Rod
Malcolm Louw (Guest) drew the 2 of Hearts. Joker Draw a turnover at R70097.00 for Friday 31st Aug.
🌮. Be there to win it!
Stewart and Leon Wilson will be entertaining us from 18h00 on Friday 31st August
Dawn to Dusk done and dusted… 80KMS with a magic team.
BNCC – Titans Franchise T20 Club Champions 2018!!! Such a great achievement! Well done to all involved.