The Scimitar 27 Jan 2023
A very warm 2023 welcome to you all
After an hiatus I am back, to bug you weekly with the News from the North.
At the outset, I would like to wish everyone a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead…. Already to me, it feels like the year has been going on forever, with our Government enforced load shedding, making every day seem to take longer than before…I am sure we are all hoping that we will be able to quickly overcome this massive hurdle that has been placed in our way for going forwards.
At the Club we have some exciting sports events that all our sub-sections will be hosting and participating in over the course of the year, interspersed with some live shows and other entertainment and also other exciting developments… You will be kept up to date with all the attractions that we will be creating and hosting…as well as recapping on the important sports results that we have achieved and played in recently…
On the sports front, Cricket and Baseball leagues and practices are currently happening, with some excellent results being achieved already, hopefully these will even improve as the season progresses…. Pre season practices in our winter sports (rugby and soccer) have already commenced and I also see that hockey are having some wonderful preseason tournaments that will hone your skills to be at their peak by the beginning of season (please contact the respective chairmen for more details on your sport of choice and you would like to participate in)
Our athletes are also hard at work, with their goal of Comrades being held a little earlier this year….plenty of our runners are participating in the Johnson Crane marathon this weekend in order to qualify for the big race….at the Club our time trials on a Tuesday are proving to be very popular and with our Club runs on a Wednesday evening, also on Tuesdays and Fridays in the morning, there is no excuse for all our runners not to be in top form… Our annual Marathon has been moved forward this year due to the earlier running of the Comrades… and will take place from the Club on the 5th of March…. All our members that day will be on the road marshalling or making sure that everything at the marathon runs smoothly…
Hockey and soccer registrations for juniors will be at the end of February/ beginning of March, whilst the rugby juniors will commence practices in May, registrations being held toward the end of April….
Moving away from sports….our joker draw is still running and after 24 weeks our jackpot has moved up to R20759….please come along and buy a ticket in the Hall from about 16h30 on Friday, the draw will take place at 19h30…..the beer and meat voucher raffle will be drawn at 19h25, just prior to the Joker…
This week we welcome music back at the club…Andrew Lawrence will be in the limelight this week….note the new time slot, from 16h00 to 20h00… pop down and join us…grab a bite to eat (there is a variety of choices on offer) and enjoy a cool refreshment in the beer garden or the Scimitar bar….
I am sure that everyone will have seen the activity at the Tennis club over the last little while….where has been building operation, laying of grass over the old surface, new side boards and nets being erected… Our “Off the Wall Soccer” set up is coming along very well….they are hoping to get everything finished soon, so that we can then offer this exciting brand of soccer….extremely quick and fast moving, this will definitely be a spectacle to behold…. I am sure that all the followers of “indoor type” soccer, will love the addition of this sport at the North….
Be on the lookout for next week newsletter….. with results, action pictures and a whole lot more…
Hope to you all soon at the North…
Till then, cheers…