The Scimitar 24 Oct 2017
Hi there everyone!!
Another Saturday of massive storms…blew off the covers, lightning struck our point of sale and security cameras…..Phew! Mother Nature was a little angry and upset our weekend plans. Cricket was eventually washed out on our main field on Sunday with the late start and then another downpour to wipe out any chances of a result….Our computerised network was a bit of a nightmare…but everything is back on track and we are ready for anything that will be thrown at us!!
Keeping on the cricket theme…our Saturday firsts had a nail biting affair on the main oval……the match going down to the second last ball…what an exciting match….As one of the spectators, I thought that our side was out of it halfway through the opponents chase…but some tight bowling and some brilliant fielding saw us crawl our way back into contention…and with the arrival of the last over…our opponents needed four runs to win…. a dot ball…pressure…a scrambled single off the next almost resulting in a run out…3 now needed off four balls….a huge swing and a miss, both batsmen feeling the pressure, decided to run…run-out!! 3 off 3….another great ball resulting in another run out!!…suddenly the game had changed… three runs off two balls needed….the field was brought in to save the single….a positive stroke form the batsman pierced the field and a win for the Springs… raucous applause for the batting side, disappointment for our fielding boys….a loss for the Northerns fellows, but what a match…thank you for the entertainment…I thoroughly enjoyed it and lived in the moment with each one of the players… a marvellous advertisement for everyone who says that cricket is boring!!
Cricket continues this weekend, with our Premier side away on Sunday to Alberton…but there are games on continually over Saturday and Sunday…come and spend a relaxing hour watching the cricket, whilst having a cool drink or two..
Saturday saw the end of the Senior Soccer, who held their prize giving…it was a lovely laid back afternoon…whilst all their stars, performers and even the solid and dependable were rewarded with trophies, awards and special mentions… congratulations to all the winners and in general, all the players for a great season. Although the 4th and Colts sides were the only ones to bring home trophies…all of our sides were extremely competitive in all their leagues in true Northerns spirit…It is most heart warming to see the pride that our Members have in wearing their Northerns Scimitars on their chests…well done to all the players…a special word of mention to Rodney Farrell…who does tons of work behind (and sometimes in front) of the scenes…your massive efforts have paid dividends…and whilst under your curatorship, this section has grown from strength to strength…congratulations on a job well done!!
I was also able to watch some of the ladies Soccer last week…and what fun that was..to see the enthusiasm and skill displayed by the girls was amazing…these ladies play on Thursday and Friday evenings, while the Vets Mens leagues are on a Wednesday…if you happen to be driving past and see the lights on, pop in and watch some great ball…
Hockey 5’s were played on the Astro on Sunday…some fantastic hockey was played…it was a pleasure to watch…don’t forget that it is played every Sunday on the Astro from 08h00 till just after lunchtime…see you there…
Our Joker Draw has still not been won…and this week the Jackpot increased to R189 564….and with the Members draw also not being won…you have a further reason to pop into the North to join us…and in case you need any other reasons to come out on Friday…we have the Night Market…movies in the Park and a great couple of musicians to keep us entertained… Ryan (Breaking Static) and Danie (Saving Silence) have decided to create a duo and will be making music for us…I have seen both of these guys before…I think they will be a dynamic duo….it should be a memorable evening…and don’t forget with only 13 cards left and at R5 a ticket….the Joker draw is waiting for someone to win it….you have to be init to winit….it could just be you!!
Our Athletes are having their annual prize giving on Friday…but I have it on good authority, that proceedings are only going to commence after the Joker Draw…so no excuses…you can all be here on Friday to claim your slice…
Good luck to our baseballers this weekend…may all your results be positive… have a blast.
That is it for this week….please keep sending any compliments and complaints to rod.karoe@gmail.com
Friday Night Club Draw Results: 20th October 2017
Member Weekly Draw: 2 x Cases SAB: Jonathan Hendricks (Football) – Not Present
Club Member Draw: R4 600.00: Jean Pieters (Rugby) – Not Present
Winnings now stand at R 4 800.00. for 27th October 2017 at 19h00
Weekly Raffle Draw: 1 x Case SAB: Ossy Botha (Athletics)
Matts Meat Voucher: Cynthia (Kitchen)
Mario Alarios (Guest) drew the 9 of Spades. With 13 cards left winnings now stand on
R189 624.00 for Friday 27th October. Be there to win it! !
Featuring the movie “Drum Roll Please” – Friday 27th October 2017
* Halloween Fancy Dress -spot prizes for best dressed – Friday 27th October 2017
“Ryan and Danie” will be entertaining us from 18h00 – Friday 27th October 2017
35th Annual Gauteng Toy Run – Sunday 26 November 2017
It is with sadness we announce that Henry “Poena” Thomas passed away last on Thursday 19th October. Poena played Hockey for Northerns for many years and is shown in this photo of the very talented Northerns First Hockey Team from the Eighties.
Poena is seen in the middle row second last from the right.
Seen on most Friday nights at the Joker Draw he was a fine hockey player, a
true sportsman, gentleman and friend. Poena would have been amazed and humbled by the heartfelt messages received on the Northerns Hockey Reunion Facebook page from all his old teammates and friends. It is times like these we realize the bond that exists between the
members both past and present of our great Club.
We at the North will miss you but never forget you. Our thoughts and prayers are with Poena’s family during this very sad and difficult time in their lives.
Farewell our Friend.
R.I.P. Poena
Ted Jarvis
WEDNESDAY 01ST NOVEMBER 19H00 – 10km, 15km, 5km. Enter online WWW.BNAC.CO.ZA or on the day from 5pm.
VS |
29-Oct |
VS |
10H30 |
3 |
VS |
12H30 |
VS |
10H30 |
VS |
10H30 |
Premier – Rained Out
Promotion – Won by 6 wickets
Sat 1sts – Lost by 4 wickets
28.10.17 : 13H15 : T20 Sat 1st vs Kempton Park.B. – Bar A
29.10.17 : 10h00 : Premier vs Alberton – Lindeque Oval – Alberton
For all Junior Fixtures please visit our website www.bncricket.co.za
Sri Lanka Tour 2018

We are excited to announce that, after lengthy arrangements with Sri Lanka Cricket Representatives, Benoni Northerns Junior Cricket will be touring Sri Lanka during the 2018 September/October school break. This will see Benoni Northerns Junior Cricket jetting off for its first international tour.
We want the boys to have a memorable experience, and in so doing, have worked the tour around 5 games at different venues within Sri Lanka. Boys will be embarking on some fundraising initiatives and we request the support of Club members wherever possible.
The Junior Cricket Committee is driving for this to be an annual event and we are committed in ensuring that the first tour is a major success.
Donations can be made by transferring directly into the Benoni Northerns Main Club Account or by cash payment at the Main Bar. Please use the following reference – #SL2018.
The support from Club Members will be greatly appreciated.
For more details, please email Brendan: tours@bncricket.co.za
Vets Div 1 lost to Robertsham Div 1 – 0-3
Vets Div 2 beat Boksburg Div 2 – 3-2
Ladies A beat Highlands Park A – 4-1
Ladies B beat Latins B – 3-0
Vets and Ladies Fixtures 23 – 29 October
Tues 24.10 19h30 – BNFC Ladies A vs Old Bens A (Div 2) – Home C Field
Wed 25.10 20h00 – BNFC Vets Div 3 vs Alberton B Vets Div 3 – Home C Field
Thurs 26.10 19h30 – BNFC Ladies B (Div 2) vs Olympia Ladies Div 2 – Italian Club
Fri 27.10 19h30 – BNFC Ladies A vs Rovers Div 2 – Home C Field