The Scimitar 21 Aug 2020
A warm good day to everyone…..
I have given everyone a long enough hiatus from my weekly dose of ramblings….. now I am back to tickle your conscience in case you have forgotten that the North is still in operation….and I will be troubling your email inbox more regularly now on again…..
This crisis has ensured that we trim what we could of our expenses to in order to maintain the continuity of the club on an ongoing basis… the combination of no sport being played at the North and the arrival of winter has slowed the growth of the grass on the fields….allowing us to keep control over the fields with a skeleton in situ staff in the interim.
I am sure that most of our Members have driven past the Club over the last few months….and for me it has been a sorry sight….an extremely quiet car park….. no one playing on the fields….no shrieks of joy from children…. no screams of delight or the sounds of laughter from the bars or the shouts of encouragement from the parents and spectators…….sadly for our loyal staff….it has been heart breaking….their livelihood has been pulled from under them, through no fault of their own…..
As a club we have maintained payments to all the staff during the Lockdown period….and with assistance from the Members we have created a little “kitty” for that “rainy day” that we knew would eventually arrive, with the Club Funds starting to “dry up”….. I would like to offer my gracious thanks to all those that gave so willingly….. It is greatly appreciated by the committee and this fund has been set aside exclusively for the use on the staff.
And now I arrive at the enjoyable part….something that I have wished I could say for almost 150 days…
Yes…..with the easing of regulations on the lock down, we are officially able to say our doors to the pub at the Club are open…..there are some new rules that will apply…the “buzz words” that have been created over the last few months…. be responsible…..wear a mask….wash your hands regularly… maintain adequate social distancing…. But with all of that means that we can join our mates for a pot….or a chat….sit in the sun in the beer garden…..watch the kids on the Jungle Gym…. And whilst our fields are officially closed to any organised sport, our children may gladly run around on the fields….while we keep a “ beady eye” over their antics from the comfort of our chairs sipping a cool drink….we are facing some challenges with deliveries and supplies….but hopefully we can sort these out pretty quickly….
The hours of operation will be advertised on all of our social media platforms, so please keep a look out for any important messages….regarding what and how our services will be amended to conform to the letter of the law….
This was just a short note to get us all back into the swing of things….hopefully I will see you all soon…..and things will return to what we remember as normal…..
In the meantime, keep well….but above all….stay safe….and hopefully I will see you all soon….