The Scimitar 21 Aug 2018
Good morning to all….
Most of you that have frequented the Club this week will have noted that our beloved Benoni Northerns flag has been flying at half-mast….this tradition has been started in honour at the passing of one of our Benoni Northerns stalwarts….one who has been around since the seventies and influenced and played with many of our number on the soccer, cricket and hockey fields….and I think the honour of being the first to be remembered in this manner is most fitting (but please bear in mind that this is not to take away or detract from the achievements of our previous lost and fallen heroes of the past…..but we are now in possession of a Northerns flag which will now be used in this manner, to keep all of our Members informed of such news…. ) So our week at the North began on an extremely sombre and sad note….with news of the passing of one of the most talented sportsmen and gentlemen that have graced the passages, watering holes and fields at our hallowed home….I was fortunate to have played with and against him and was a spectator on many occasion to the genius of Anton “Joe” Vercueil in various different sporting codes he represented at Northerns…and can honestly say that he was one of the most hugely gifted players I have ever been able to share, oppose and always watched in absolute awe at his rare talent, on and off the field…..and I think that off the field he created and made as many friends as he did on the field of play….someone summed it up really aptly for me recently, when they described that Joe made you feel special in every way each time he met you…whether it was in a fleeting greeting, meeting, fines session or a serious discussion….thank you for the special times, your presence and sporting wisdom now lost at the Club will be irreplaceable…… to Shelly, Dean and Cashelle…our love, thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of great sadness, be strong and continue to live life as Joe would have wanted you to… Steve, another dagger through that already fragile heart in really this tough year for you, always remember that all your mates are grieving with you…and that your home and friends at the North will always welcome you….
But my week did improve…as I welcomed my daughter and son-in-law on their way home from their Gran’s 85th birthday celebrations….en route to their home in Abu Dhabi…after the tragic kick off to the week….it is most gratifying having the soul filling company of your off spring…always a reason to maintain a positive outlook for the future….bon voyage to these two special people…..continue on with your marvellous mission in life….may the sky remain as your target….
And now back to reality….Friday night was really great to be back at the Club, after our week away on the Masters….it was great to be amongst friends and the normal traditions of a Friday night…our musician Eben, kept the feet tapping in the Scimitar…in his inimitable style…he has become a crowd favourite with his wonderful relaxed manner…and will be getting more call backs from us to entertain in the future…whilst on the Joker draw…we had a new name out of the beeeeg black box….with Jane Nielson having her opportunity at showing us where the elusive Joker was….and after overcoming her initial shock at the selection….confidently made her selection, which unfortunately for her, proved to reveal the six of diamonds….giving us all another opportunity for this week…. the Joker Jackpot has now risen to R68072 and is waiting for you to reveal the elusive joker this week….ticket sales will commence around 17h00 in the hall…with the last sales at 19h20 and the draw commencing at 19h30…. remember it is a draw that you have to be present to collect….so make sure that you remain until the name is selected and the person arrives at the cabinet for their turn….our raffle and the Members draws are conducted at 19h00 so if you want to participate in all the draws make sure that you arrive on time….this week the ever popular Zimmer Twinz make their return to the Scimitar…They will be playing from about 18h00 and the weather report is promising.. so it should be a great evening…
This weekend sees the beginning of the cricket season…with senior trials taking place on Saturday and Sunday….if there are any cricketers that you know of, who would like to be part of one of the most vibrant, successful and enjoyable sporting Clubs on the East Rand, please tell them to come along to join up to the Cricket section….
Our Rugby players are now hard at work at their 7’s skills…join them on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Club for practice in this exciting form of the game…
Our young soccer players faced the first testing opposition of their season…and I am happy to report that they came out on top…with a positive 3-2 result against a talented Benfica…I have received conflicting reports on the match…one saying we were a little lucky…another saying a fair result….so when the pundits are split in their analysis…I say, we’ll take the win….thank you very much boys…you showed the integrity and tenacity to overcome all odds…..This week is the semi finals of the Cup…and we host Wynberg Tigers at the North at 15h30 on Sunday…in what promises to be another tough encounter…please come down to support this wonderfully entertaining young side…
Our Soccer boys had some mixed results over the weekend…with the second side stuttering a little…with a goalless draw against Linhill Celtic….whilst the first side suddenly found their scoring boots and were able to rout a 6-3 result against the same opposition…. this has moved them up in the league to sixth position…and with only two games left in the season for them….looks like we could end up in the top eight….which would be most satisfactory…after a really disappointing start to the season….whilst the second side are really testing our resolved…allowing the 2nd placed Luso to erode into their lead…it looks like the end of the season clash between these two is going to decide the league honours…there is a bye for both sides this weekend…so enjoy the time off boys…use the time wisely…..we are back in full swing next week….
For our hockey players …the men’s league was wrapped up last weekend..and this weekend will end with a flourish…as the annual Crutch tournament will be played…this is a festival of hockey…with 20 minute one direction games being played…with points being awarded for short corners…which means hard and fast hockey on show…accompanied by the normal shenanigans of tournament festivities…there will be a bar available at the Astro on the day…to ensure that none of the players or spectators run on thirsty….so please join the men’s league for this traditional end of the season tournament…the ladies leagues continue on Saturday….and still have a couple of weeks of league completion…with the struggle for honours “hotting” up…we are awaiting some amazing hockey for the last few rounds…good luck to all!!
Both Major league baseball sides had a bye last weekend and with the other teams having a successful day, it was a solid weekend of results for the fellows…. all our teams are up for their task this weekend…good luck chaps…
Time for me to wrap it up for this week….please send any suggestions of complaints to….
Hopefully I’ll get to see you all up at the Club in the next few days…as the weather begins to warm up in anticipation of the summer…but never fear..Mother Nature will still have the last laugh…and she will return on a couple of occasions to remind us that we are still in the throes of winter season….stay warm…
Cheers Rod
Jane Nielson (Guest) drew the 6 of Diamonds. Joker sitting on R68072.00 for Friday 25th August. Be present to win it 🌮
4 WEEKS TO GO – Tickets are on sale – Get yours A.S.A.P: