The Scimitar 18 Dec 2020
Hi there to everyone…..
As this dreadful year draws to an end, I feel as if we were never allowed or given the opportunity to really get us into the swing of things and fulfilling the full potential that 2020 should have enjoyed….I believe that all the sportsmen have a horrible empty feeling inside at not being able to have had their “fix” this year…..businessmen look back at frustrating year of feeling “hand-cuffed” in most regards without being charged or guilty of any crime…. In general we all look back at a “year lost”… and as I write this, there are rumours rife that we face some serious challenges in the coming weeks, as the Minister of Health advises that we have a “second wave” upon us….and that this time it appears that our youth are more susceptible to COVID…all we can ask is that everyone be responsible and take care to stay safe…..
At the Club we have faced extraordinary challenges over the last nine months…and albeit we have not come out unscathed on the other side….we have at least emerged on the other side….we are all a lot wiser, not necessarily better off but we have our health….please still be aware to still take as many precautions that you are able, ensuring that you keep as healthy as possible.
At the Club we are definitely not hoping for a resurgent second wave in the new year, in fact I am hoping for exactly the opposite….and looking forward to the relaxing of regulations that would allow our sports people back on the fields….to participate in the pastime and hobby they live for and enjoy….
Dependent on the regulations that are still to be announced, we will make sure that we are within the boundaries of the law and all the COVID protocols….. please keep an eye on our social media, Facebook and website….we will keep you abreast of all happenings at the Club over the next month….I will send another message as an additional mode of communication if necessary, to let everyone know the how’s, when’s and where’s of how and when the Club will be operation….
The only real changes that we are to experience for the Festive break, is that we need to wear a face mask on entry and keep it handy at all times…..with the curfew not moving to 23h00….we will call last round at 21h30 and will close the Club at 22h00, to ensure that all Members and Staff have adequate time to get out and home by the start of curfew…..please do not try to convince the staff to work outside these parameters, or fail to wear you mask, sanitise or not to maintain an adequate social distance protocol….if there are any inspectors around…we have the possibility of having our licence revoked….which will be tantamount to financial suicide for us….please work with us in these trying times to ensure the continued success of the North….
At present, we are planning to open the Scimitar bar every day between 10h00 and 22h00…..and only closing for the public holidays of Christmas day (25th) Day of Goodwill (26th) and New Years day (1st)….otherwise it will be business as usual….
We had a fantastic weekend over the 4th to 6th of December ….and even though the weather did not exactly play the game with us, with a little rain….we had a super Night market on the Friday night…thank you to everyone for the support….this resulted in heightened interest at the Joker draw….and lo and behold….in a replay of two weeks previously…the first name drawn out of the beeeeg black box not arriving at the cabinet…resulting in a second ticket being selected…. in a complete turn up for the books…. Eric Hutchinson had his name called out on both these occasions…..the first week he missed the joker and the bonus card…and unfortunately for him, his luck did not improve at all in his second attempt, as his guess produced the ten of Clubs …..all the Northerns faithful are all very chuffed at Eric’s misfortune that the Joker is still alive for them….and with a pot of R19850 this week, we were expecting a good turnout of punters for their opportunity to “have a go” at finding the Joker…. And at the last.. very last draw of 2020, Cheryl Bartle had her name pulled from the mysterious beeeg black box….and while she pondered for a lot longer than Eric….she suffered the same fate as he and didn’t draw the Joker or the bonus card….but settled with the nine of hearts and R500 loaded onto her membership card….the Joker draw will only resume in the new year, the date of the new draw being January 8, 2021 with a prize of R21144 available…….so please come along to celebrate the first draw of the year….
The Saturday of previous weekend, we hosted the Athletics prize giving where all the achievers and stars of the year were honoured….well done to all the prize and trophy winners….we are very proud of you all….whilst Sunday appeared to be the day of celebration….with everyone having a marvellous day out…thank you to all for the support….I can do with those sort of party weekends all the time..
This Sunday the Social section closed off the year with a wonderful golf day which was played at the Police Mashee course in Northmead…. With a really early start, 05h30 for most (a lot later for others, who overslept/turned off their phone/had a hangover) it was a laugh a minute….and I must say that even though one of our fourball did not make it through to the 18th, due to a mysterious “lurgi” that he suffered at the start of our 15th …(no names mentioned, as we are afraid of being “maced”)…..we all experienced massively overworked tummy muscles at all the chirps, some dreadful and hilarious golf shots and their outcomes and other antics of the day….I am sure that most if not all of the players on the day experienced the same fate, sunburnt, too much beer and sore jaw muscles from giggling the day away…. The winners on the day were Struan King and his happy crew of hackers, who were able to overcome the odds of mis-directed flying golf balls, constant calls of “fore” and successfully evading the “Silver Dream Machine” who supplied a never-ending flow of beverages for the morning….thank you to all who participated in this fantastic annual event….special mention must be made of Mark Hardman and Lockey Brown for controlling the masses and ensuring that starters orders were adhered to and keeping all the parched throats lubricated….Hector King for marshalling a rowdy crowd with his MC’ing skills at the prize giving….Adele Steyn and Glenda for setting up all the prizes and venue for all the weary bones to relax after the gruelling day….
In closing, on behalf of the Executive committee and Staff at the North….may we wish you a fantastic festive season….filled with love, happiness and goodwill….for all our Christian Members, a very merry Christmas, let our hearts be filled with the true joy and reason for the celebrations…. and for everyone a prosperous new year…. 2021 has a simple act to follow, we are expecting a bumper year to follow this really crappy one….
If you are travelling, please have a safe journey and a pleasant and enjoyable holiday….but if you’re staying at home, I will see you at the North…..
Take care and stay safe…..