The Scimitar 14 Nov 2017
Hello there everyone!!
The expectant father from last week is proud to announce that the new Toro arrived safely and has already been put through its paces….the Mid-Wife and Paediatrician (Brian Buys) has already checked that the new baby has all the necessary working parts and has confidently assessed that there will be a long and satisfying mutual relationship between the Club and its newest addition. I saw it at work shortly after arrival…and the smile on Victor’s face said it all… Awesome stuff….
Another Friday and another Joker draw…..AND?……another roll over…phenomenal! I stand there next to the board on a weekly basis…I think as nervous and excited, not as much as the drawn ticket holder, but still loads of butterflies.…..I crane and stretch my neck to see if the Joker is to be forthcoming…and for 43 weeks, I have still not seen the arrival of the elusive card…Could it be this week? I would hate to know how it feels to be the drawn ticket holder…looking at this suddenly massive board and spoiled for choice….and for 43 weeks, the audience has erupted into applause and song, that there will be another week of the draw…and then it could be me!! The Joker draw has been a wonderful success for us and may this great competition continue….Only time will tell when this will be won…but what we have got, is another massive Joker Jackpot available…it has jumped up to R223 354 this week!! And with the Members draw also not won, means that we have two bites at the cherry for our Members that want to join in the Joker draw too. Freedom Unfound are our entertainers this week…and I have heard that they were busy practicing to ensure a wide selection of songs will be played (they were also spotted at the “Live” concert, to hear Ed’s version of “Lightning Crashes”) I am sure they won’t disappoint..…. Don’t forget that the Club opens on Fridays at 12h00 with the kitchen also being open…and you can get Marge’s (by now) famous Steak, Egg, Onion Rings and Chips for only R70! Join us to get a good early start to the weekend….
The Soccer girls derby, played out to a 3-0 win to the ‘A’ team…but the girls said it was a fiercely competitive but enjoyable match…the ‘B’ mens side continued their solid unbeaten run, with another win…and they are really riding the crest of a wave…long may that continue…
Our Cricketers had a very satisfying win over CBCOB on Sunday…they have always been a bit of a “bogey” team and a thorn in our side in the past for us….so the win was really special, more particularly now that a couple of our former players had moved across to their ranks….and this made the win a little sweeter than normal….this weekend is a massive match, playing against our arch rivals Kempton away at Barnard Stadium….good luck to the boys….give and play of your best…that is all we can ask….but most of all…have fun!!
Saturday night saw all the Clubs boys and girls in their Sunday best for the Sports Person of the Year dinner and Awards…the winner this year is Lynne Semple…a brilliant runner of high quality who has already completed 18 Comrades Marathons and one of the top athletes in her category, whom we are all extremely proud of…Congratulations Lynne and well done to you….the Junior Sports Person of the Year went to a rising star from our Soccer ranks, Michael Juanas-Uriol, who performed at a particularly high standard at Club and Provincial level throughout the season….Congratulations to you too Michael, well done…(you may remember that I relayed a story of a young man, who ran into a burning house to rescue some occupants awhile ago, without any concern for his personal safety….well this is the same one!!) So not just a talented sportsman, but a really solid human being too….Club Man of the year went to the ever popular and almost always present Michael Veliotes…well done Michael, your efforts have not gone unnoticed… The evening was a great success, with many old friendships being renewed and new ones being fostered and forged….I saw lots of stars of the past making an appearance, while the new brigade made their presence felt too…our gracious thanks to Glenda for all your time and efforts in the organisation for the night…it was a fantastic event…
The ToyRun is always one of those events that seem to be far in the distance…and then they suddenly arrive and are on top of you before you realise it…well next weekend, thousands upon thousands of bikes descend on the North…and the only entrance fee to be paid is a toy…which will be distributed to the underprivileged…it is always a great day…so please diarise it and join us for a day of fun in the sun… Also remember that there will be some major traffic disruptions, with most of the arterial routes being affected…in and out of Benoni…plan your travels carefully on Sunday 26th.
The week after that is the East Rand Show, but I will have more of that in future Scimitar publications.
That’s all for today, see you all soon…have fun…
Cheers Rod
Please remember that my email address is rod.karoe@gmail.com, for any of your compliments or complaints…
Friday Night Club Draw Results: 11th November 2017
Member Weekly Draw: 2 x Cases SAB: Carol Selolo (Athletics) – Not Present
Club Member Draw: R5 200.00: Jacques Dorfling (Rugby) – Not Present
Winnings now stand at R 5 400.00. for 17th November 2017 at 19h00
Weekly Raffle Draw: 1 x Case SAB: Rod Scheepers (Manager)
Matts Meat Voucher: Grant Robertson (Guest)
Peter Prest (Guest) drew the 7 of Diamonds. With 10 cards left winnings now stand on R223354.00 for Friday 17th November. Be there to win it! !
“Freedom Unfound” will be entertaining us from 18h00 – Friday 17th November 2017
JUNIOR NOMINEES: Gabriella Ferreria – Hockey; Avon Visser – Cricket; Alexander Levkov – Baseball and Michael Juanas-Uriol – Football.
The 2017 Junior Sportsperson Winner – Michael Juanas-Uriol – Football. Well done young man!!
Lynne Semple – Athletics; Matthew Welgemoed – Football; Tyler Croft – Baseball (represented by his father in his absence); Lance Humphrey – Cricket and Bruce Millar- Hockey.
The 2017 Senior Sportsperson Winner – Lynne Semple – Athletics. Always behind the Ladies making a statement, well done!!
The Main Club Executive Recognition Awards 2017
Craig Wittstock (President and ex Main Club Chairman) – awarded Life Membership; Rodney Farrell (Main Club Executive and Football Chairman) – awarded life Membership; Michael Veliotes – Member of Hockey/Athletics and Cricket – awarded as Club Member of The Year 2017 for his ongoing support in all activities of Benoni Northern Sports Club.
Things I learned (and am still learning) about road running after completing my first marathon | Benoni City Times http://bit.ly/2zrvSHp – Logan Green – Sports Journalist
After some confusion around the age categories we have received finalised results from the SA Race Walking Champs held in George two weeks ago. BNAC runners representing Central Gauteng Athletics performed admirably:
Sidwell Mhlongo placed 1st in the grandmasters 10km walk;
Stephen Msimango placed 2nd in the masters 20km walk;
Sarel Smith placed 3rd in the men’s masters 10km walk;
Agnes Kirsch placed 3rd in the women’s grand master 10km walk.
Congratulations to all four – you have done us proud!
SENIOR FIXTURES – 18/19th NOVEMBER 2017 on a bye as there will be Provincial Training on the diamonds.
Premier – Won by 155 runs
Promotion – Won by 292 runs
Sat 1sts – Won by 7 wickets
18.11.17: 13H15 : Sat 1st vs Daveyton. – Northerns “A” Field – 35 overs
19.11.17 : 10h00 : Premier vs Kempton Park – Bar “A” Field
19.11.17 : 09h30 : Promotions – Bye
For all Junior Fixtures please visit our website www.bncricket.co.za
BNFC Vets Div 1 vs Edenvale – 2-0 Walkover
BNFC Vets Div 3 vs Springs OB – won 2-1
BNFC Ladies (B) Div 2 vs BNFC (A) Div 2 – Ladies A won 5-1
Football Fixtures 15 – 17 November
Wed 15/11 – 20h00 – Vets Div 1 vs Luso Vets Div 1 @ home “C” Field. 20h00. – Vets Div.3 vs Edenvale Vets Div 3 @ JP Bezuidenhout.
Thurs 16/11 – 19h30 – Ladies (B) Div 2 vs Alberton Div 2 @ home “C” Field.
Fri 17/11 – 19h30 – Ladies (A) Div 2 vs Latins F.C. Div 1 @ home “C” Field.