The Scimitar 10 Feb 2023
Hi there everyone….
Hope that you are all well…. A hectic last little while…crazy loadshedding… a water crisis….massive lightning strike… some great results, mixed with some not so happy on the sports front…. and with the joker being found last week, we have a new competition this week, with an added twist….
So let me begin with our sports results….
Our cricketers are enjoying a very successful start to 2023…with almost all their sides being unbeaten thus far…there has been a wonderful new development on the cricket front….all home games are being streamed…it has been marvellous to be able to catch up with our premier sides even if we aren’t in the Benoni area for the day….there is long link to all the matches, I have included this at the end of the letter….catch up there if you are able….
The Johnson Crane marathon was recently held in Benoni and most of our runners take past in this to gain their qualification to the Comrades early in the year….well done to all those who achieved their goals… special mentipon must be made of our own Bright Mikolongwe, who ended on the podium in the half marathon in third place….well done Bright…we are all most proud of you….
Our soccer boys started their pre-season with an away game against Alberton in the top 8 competition….our boys came home with a 4-2 loss….but the new management, were happy with the progress and form shown by our boys…our new coach Les Grobler is excited about the future…we are at home this weekend against Impala…please pop along an join us across the road at the C field on Saturday afternoon….next week should be a cracker with us popping down to the club down the road at Currin park….put that into your diary for a pre-season derby!!
Our juniors, in the form of cricket and baseball….have been having a blast in their respective leagues….if you enjoy their adrenalin and excitement, please get down to the North to experience some of their breath taking enthusiasm….
We had a massive storm a week or so ago, which caused absolute havoc, with us having a direct lightning strike at the Club….this resulted in damage to various of our electronic equipment….most of this has already been repaired or replaced….but it did take its toll on our resources for a while….
On the local water supply front, we have experienced poor water service on the traditional pipelines supplied from the Council…. We had already had the alternate back up of a Jojo tank and have filled this up from our borehole…enabling Members to shower, wash hands and keep the toilets flushing…. without it we could have had disastrous results….but thank you to the staff on the superhuman effort in overcoming the odds…and keep the water flowing at the Club….
Off the Wall soccer courts are coming along very nicely and we should be having the opening very soon…
Loadshedding has also become a really uncomfortable reality in 2023…we have also had various systems in place to try to keep life as normal as possible….but we are currently looking at more innovative and different alternative to overcome this crazy situation in which we find ourselves….
We had a lovely night market last Friday…but the little rain never seemed to worry anyone…and the evening was a great success…the next one will be on the 3rd of March…
Another date for your diary will be 11th March….the DJ rally will once again be ending at our Club…last year was a fantastic day….I am sure that this year will be another treat….
Our Joker draw has been won….it took a visitor from Cape Town, Sean Collins to show us where the Jester had been hiding….taking home over R21k to cover his weekend costs quire easily….
The Joker draw will continue this week…starting with a R10 000 jackpot….we are keeping all the rules as before with one addition….when your ticket is drawn, a pair of dice will presented for you to roll….if you are able to get a double six….you will be able to draw a second card…. So more opportunities for everyone to make themselves a winner… tickets will be on sale from about 16h00 on
Friday afternoon with the draw taking place at 19h30…. Remember that you have to be present to win it….so don’t run off home and expect to get a call that you have won…
That’s all for today….See you at the North soon….
Here is the link for the cricket streaming: