- 13th March 202227th March 2022
- by BNSC

Join us in signing the petition
Dear Benoni Northerns Members,
The Benoni Northern Sports Club has requested for many years that Council repair the roads servicing the Club on the north side of the Club towards the John Barrable Hall and on the south side of the Club toward the Tennis Club. The roads are pitted with potholes and rapidly deteriorating.
In spite of our many requests to Council we have received no response and in reality been totally ignored.
The time has come to show solidarity by way of objecting and signing the attached Petition protesting at the lack of support from Council in maintaining the roads servicing all users of the Benoni Northerns Sports Club and John Barrable Hall.
If the roads are not urgently repaired they will disintegrate to a point of being totally unusable. Unacceptable for a facility which showcases not only Benoni, Ekurhuleni but all the Clubs using the facilities, which host some hundred thousand visitors per annum, not only from other regions of the RSA but also internationally.
The situation currently is a disgrace and unacceptable.
The time has come for registering our disapproval at the Council’s failure to respond, and hence we need act by signing this Petition. The time for merely complaining is over.