Bridge Teams Competitions
I promised you that we would be trying to organise Teams competitions this year, not to be confused with the existing club Teams Championship.
Well, this is it!
We are able to use the ladies bar on a Monday afternoon, as Lisa already has the use of it for her beginner’s classes. There is ample room for us to fit another 4,6 or even 8 tables in, should the interest be big enough.
What is required, firstly, is that you email me at this address if you are interested. If you are able to organise a team, even better. Please get your replies back to me, by return of email, as soon as possible.I want to get something going within the next few weeks, so let’s hear from you.
We have also had discussions with Jack’s Club, who are keen to play at least a once-monthly game against us.
Let’s get the ball rolling!
PS. If you want to know more details about teams events, just have a chat to any of us in the committee, or any of the experienced players and we will be glad to assist.