A Scimitar tribute to a Legend from the North
This last week was a sad one for me….we bade farewell to a Northerns legend and stalwart…..
Sala Robert Foster (affectionately known as Bob)
My story and history with Bob goes back a little further than just Benoni Northerns….it actually begins in 1970, when I met him as a scoutmaster for our troop, 9th Benoni…. you can imagine, being 11, Scouters were larger than life, they taught us many lessons on Friday nights and over weekends, when they gave of their personal time in order to do so….
Bob worked in Johannesburg (most of the fathers in our area worked locally), so he was a little different already… and he worked for a gold mining company…..immediately, myself and my mates were a little more than just a little impressed, he was different to all our fathers… not only did he have inside information about gold mines, he came from Rhodesia (which held it’s own aura of mystique)…and he seemed to have endless knowledge on how to make my life as a scout easier (apart from the intriguing stories relayed at the campfire or while we were readying for sleep on a camping weekend away)….we learned how to pitch and storm lash a tent, endless additional knots were taught and learned, planning of camps and their sites, different ways to cook and prepare food, how to cater for and guestimate quantities …I could continue to make lists of his advice….but I will leave the rest for your imagination to complete…. In practical situations, Bob taught me how to abseil down a cliff face(one of the most exhilarating, but initially scariest experiences of my scouting life….as I kicked out over the edge into the unknown 50 metres below, held up with only a rope that I had complete control of, but of course there were safety ropes and harnesses attached to me too that I had forgotten of and was terrified…but Bob was there to reassure and guide me through the process) and once that was complete, how to climb some treacherous cliffs and passes safely in the Magaliesberg where we were camping at the time… needless to say, I must have completed that ascent and descent 5 odd times that day…it was amazing and has never been forgotten….he taught us how to sleep warm on a hike in the middle of winter, that newspaper was great for warmth and insulation (better and lighter than blankets)…and you could use the newspaper as kindling for your fire if there was lots of rain around….how to cook a chicken overnight, under the ground while we were sleeping…. Again, a list that could go on forever…
One of Bob’s greatest attributes to me, as a teenager by then….was how approachable and practical he was….he was my friend….and I was fortunate enough to be able to maintain that relationship with him throughout his life…
As time inexorably moved on…I left the scouts and the next time I encountered Bob was on the hockey field….he played for a Boksburg side called Navab, but used to umpire more frequently than play….and it didn’t take long for Bob to leave Navab, to find his new home at the North….I went on a few memorable hockey tours with the East Rand Junior Board side where Bob managed the side and also doubled up as an umpire….
Bob then progressed from umpiring and playing and installed himself as permanent fixture in the Happy Hangovers side as their manager…..a position he held with pride and distinction…. In the mid 80’s I went to Cape Town on a holiday, with some legendary Northerns friends….Bogroll, Bushman and Klonkie and we ran into the Foster’s in their newly acquired Kombi…needless to say many a new Northerns hangout was found almost daily, where plenty of eating and drinking was enjoyed by us all….
I also served with Bob on various committee’s as he became in integral part of the Northerns setup….he served as our licencee at the club, ran the bar in the 80’s…. he was always a practical being, so he ended up doing all sorts of handy work at the club….drawing up of plans and getting approval for these at the Council….he fixed bar stools and assisted with a myriad of odd jobs at the Club….. By 1993 the powers that be, recognised Bob’s concerted efforts and rewarded him by being granted Life Membership of Benoni Northerns, an honour that Bob took in his stride and seem to urge him on to do more than he had done in the past…..Bob was the ideal example of the old saying….how do you get a job done? Give to the busiest person….In the mid 90’s Bob started the Northerns cycling sub section and the it seemed the natural progression to being the Social section chairman for a number of years…. When I returned to Benoni in 2009, my old friend Bogroll (yes the same one from the Cape Town holiday) convinced me to assist him in coaching under 8 cricket at the Club, one of that number being Bob’s grandson… so my interaction with Bob now included his family more than ever…. As time progressed Bob retired from work, but his efforts in assisting the club never faltered…..so much so, that he was awarded BNSC Clubman of the year in 2018…. A position that Bob was most proud of…..I remember us rekindling our friendship in a different manner when I joined as Manager….with Bob offering his services to erect shelves and do various tasks and drawings to make life for me at the North easier and more fulfilling…. Bob was always available for a chat and with his solid and sound advice, became a most useful cog in making Northerns the vibrant and cohesive Club it is today… Bob was always involved in the social activities, being an active Member of the “10 to 1er’s” and Chapel (which he used to frequent right up to 2 weeks ago)
Almost every day in my life, I am reminded of a story that his wife Erica shared with us on our Cape Town trip and this brings a smile to my face…. We were chatting one evening about the slowness of Cape Town traffic….and Erica (Bob’s wife) went on to say that the non-use of indicators by the locals, frustrated the heck out of Bob….she exclaimed…”one day, he is going to jump out of his car and run up to the offender of not using their indicator, reach inside and break off the relevant indicator stalk on the steering column and shout….’that’s as much use as it is to you’….and storm back to his car”…..as the driving in our country has deteriorated over time….this practice seems to have escalated into a pandemic….so I am sure that Bob’s frustration had not improved…..and each time I experience this practice, I could in my mind’s eye, Bob urging me to do what his wife had suggested….and I have a quite little chuckle….
Bob is going to leave a massive hole at the North…his calm demeanour and wealth of experience and advice will be sorely missed.
My thanks to the fellows at Chapel, who have created a wonderful remembrance corner for Bob, he will be chuffed with the gesture….
My heartfelt condolences to Erica and the family….thank you for all the time you allowed Bob to be shared with us (and me particularly in my younger years)….
In closing I share with you some of the lyrics of a song that has always made me think me of Bob….
(from Heal the World)
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
For me that is what Bob tried and achieved more often than not during his whole life…
Sleep peacefully my friend, till we meet again….