Bridge Results 10 Jan 2019
That title reminds me of a wonderful movie from 1999, called Tuesdays with Morrie, starring the late Jack Lemmon, which dealt with a variety of topics, including love, happiness and death. Excuse me for a moment or two, at the risk of sounding a little maudlin, but in looking around the hall this afternoon, seeing all our friends from last year and many years before, noting also that many of us have been quicker of step, sharper of wit, perhaps a little more svelte, it was also gratifying to see new faces, some like us, some younger, but who’s counting! The common denominator is a love of bridge, so you ‘newbies’ were welcomed with open hearted delight. We are going to share great hands, great competitiveness and good times with you, just stay the course.
Just ponder what Winston Churchill said about America towards the end of World War II.
” America, it is a great and strong country, like a workhorse pulling the rest of the world out of despond and despair. But will it stay the course”
This is so true of all competitive activities. One cannot master a game overnight. You have to put in the effort, compete, analyse, read, discuss results with your partner, practice, and by so doing, exercise your mind every day of your life, because our minds are able to stretch us beyond our self perceived limits.
No more of that, this afternoon was a 12 table Mitchell movement, with Ian and Roy (that’s us) getting in by a close margin to win North /South while the East/West section went to Hans and Albert with a magnificent 70%. If we have more entries next week, we’ll probably play two sections, but let’s see what happens.
Once again, a great welcome to new players and hopefully soon to be new members. From myself and our committee we wish you all a healthy and happy new year and bring on the new week with all it’s complexity and interesting hands just waiting for us to interpret.
Roy and the gang.
North / South
Pos | Pair | Players | Match Points /Tops |
Score % | Master Points Club |
Small Slams | Grand Slams |
1 | 1 | Roy Hayward & Ian Lowdon | 222/ 400 | 55.50 | 30 | ||
2 | 6 | Claire Tulej & Wendy Jupp | 237/ 440 | 53.86 | 25 | ||
3 | 3 | Pauline Lind & Vourneen Taylor | 213/ 400 | 53.25 | 20 | ||
4= | 4 | Peter Callaghan & Neels Kloppers | 208/ 400 | 52.00 | 13 | ||
4= | 9 | Jill Brown & Vanessa Woltersdorf | 208/ 400 | 52.00 | 13 | ||
6 | 10 | Nisha & Devan Chetty | 206/ 400 | 51.50 | 5 | ||
7= | 7 | Hanneke Denny & Ursel Hardy | 198/ 400 | 49.50 | |||
7= | 12 | Lisa Adamson & Helen Roberts | 198/ 400 | 49.50 | |||
9 | 2 | Bridie Bullen-Smith & Paul van der Wal | 197/ 400 | 49.25 | |||
10 | 11 | Heather Stevens & Tor Meyer | 194/ 400 | 48.50 | |||
11 | 8 | Cherylin Mitchell & Olga Chasoulas | 170/ 400 | 42.50 | |||
12 | 5 | Margaret O’Neil & Ann Schreiber | 169/ 400 | 42.25 |
East / West
Pos | Pair | Players | Match Points /Tops |
Score % | Master Points Club |
Small Slams | Grand Slams |
1 | 22 | Hans Lombard & Albert Van Lier | 309/ 440 | 70.23 | 30 | ||
2 | 14 | Vaun Robson & Diana Boudewijns | 263/ 440 | 59.77 | 25 | 1 | |
3 | 20 | Tico Poplak & Bram Van Alten | 257/ 440 | 58.41 | 20 | 1 | |
4 | 21 | Pat Eve & Deirdre Ingersent | 252/ 440 | 57.27 | 15 | 1 | |
5 | 15 | Di & Trevor England | 245/ 440 | 55.68 | 10 | ||
6 | 17 | Lynn Cross & Jennifer Payne | 218/ 440 | 49.55 | 5 | ||
7 | 16 | Jerome Mc Carthy & Priscilla Fuller | 196/ 440 | 44.55 | |||
8 | 13 | Nicky Stephens & Meryl Ulgheri | 182/ 440 | 41.36 | |||
9 | 23 | Veronica Von & Gary Von Aulock | 176/ 440 | 40.00 | |||
10 | 19 | Pat & Rod Norton | 166/ 440 | 37.73 | |||
11 | 18 | Val & Wally Wilkins | 156/ 440 | 35.45 |