Bridge Results 14 Jun 2018
This winter day just seemed perfect for bridge, didn’t it? It was cold outside, as Louis Armstrong once said in song, many years ago. But, there was warmth inside, not just because of the warm bodies filling the hall, not just because of the heater but more so because of the friendship and camaraderie that exists in this club of ours. Its like that because we play together among friends, people we’ve known for more years than we’d like to remember some of the time. I was advised of a complaint from someone today, concerning slow play, accompanied by a reference to us being somewhat amateurish in our control of the time keeping.
As I was in control of the clock this afternoon, I am therefore the guilty party, and I plead guilty, without any argument.
However, this matter goes a lot deeper than such shallow judgment, as I am not just there for the very accomplished players, or the people who might see themselves as such, but for all our members, however little their experience or competence might be.There are players who are less experienced, who might take a moment longer to react, who might have to concentrate more than you or I.That’s the way it is, that’s life. I’m not going to change, the friendliness of our club will survive such comments, we’ll continue to grow, as we have this last year.
My last word on the subject is the fact that we finished at five o’clock, more or less the usual time, after some delays for decisions, after some incorrect seating that had to be corrected, all within three and a half hours. That’s not too bad for such a bunch of amateurs who run this club. There are other clubs where players aren’t given any latitude and there aren’t any beginners or people of lesser competence. So be it. Support those clubs, enjoy their ambience, we are what we are.
By the way, Peter and Neels won today, followed in second place by myself and Caroline, then Helen and Barbara. Neels and Peter were given a small penalty for an incorrect explanation of a bid and there was also a TD decision affecting board 16, where players sat in the wrong seats.
Goodnight, Benoni people, love you all.
Pos | Pair | Players | Match Points /Tops |
Score % | Master Points Club |
Small Slams | Grand Slams |
1 | 11 | Neels Kloppers & Peter Callaghan | 219/ 352 | 62.22 | 50 | ||
2 | 6 | Roy Hayward & Caroline Franks | 210/ 352 | 59.66 | 45 | 1 | |
3 | 12 | Helen Roberts & Barbara Goldman | 208/ 352 | 59.09 | 40 | ||
4 | 4 | Roz Whitburn & Shirley Glyn | 206/ 352 | 58.52 | 35 | ||
5 | 17 | Lisa Adamson & Mary Schneier | 224/ 384 | 58.33 | 30 | ||
6 | 5 | Paul van der Wal & Bridie Bullen-Smith | 199/ 352 | 56.53 | 25 | 1 | |
7 | 19 | Pat Eve & Deirdre Ingersent | 209/ 384 | 54.43 | 20 | ||
8 | 10 | Margaret O’Neil & Ann Schreiber | 184/ 352 | 52.27 | 15 | ||
9 | 9 | Tico Poplak & Bram Van Alten | 178/ 352 | 50.57 | 10 | ||
10 | 18 | Di & Trevor England | 194/ 384 | 50.52 | 5 | ||
11 | 7 | Devan & Nisha Chetty | 177/ 352 | 50.28 | |||
12 | 15 | Jill Brown & Vanessa Woltersdorf | 189/ 384 | 49.22 | |||
13 | 2 | Jerome Mc Carthy & Priscilla Fuller | 168/ 352 | 47.73 | |||
14 | 13 | Yvonne Rimer & Cherylin Mitchell | 182/ 384 | 47.40 | |||
15 | 14 | Pat Neuman & Judy Spangenberg | 172/ 384 | 44.79 | |||
16 | 1 | Claire Tulej & Wendy Jupp | 155/ 352 | 44.03 | |||
17 | 8 | Jennifer Payne & Sandy Madsen | 138/ 352 | 39.20 | |||
18 | 3 | Charles Berriman & Len Harrison | 117/ 352 | 33.24 | |||
19 | 16 | Colleen Russell & Lynn Cross | 127/ 384 | 33.07 |