Lisa Adamson registration
It is with the utmost regret that I wish to inform all members of the resignation of Lisa Adamson as Treasurer and committee member of our club.
I would like to quote Ian Lowden on the role Lisa has played in our club, as follows:
“Lisa is the one person who has had continuity in the committee. She has been on the committee for many years and is a great source of knowledge when it comes to Club matters. She has given of her time tirelessly. Members of the Club who arrive to play bridge week after week are not aware of what goes on in the background to ensure that they can play a game of bridge. Lisa has played a major role in ensuring that everything is ready to play.Her duties have not only included the Treasury function but also ensuring that there are hands to play, Tournament Director, negotiations with the Software and hardware suppliers, ensuring that we are all registered with GBU and the SABF, and the list goes on and on. And all of this for the’Love of the Game’ and for no financial gain. She has also taken it upon herself to take over the TD duties from Alan at a huge cost to her personal time in that she has attended training courses and keeps herself updated. She has managed the finances of the Club and has always received a clean audit, on time.”
In addition to the above very kind comments from Ian, which I absolutely endorse, she also took over the function of secretary halfway through the past year, with no complaints.
In my role as Chairman, which, by the way, I have also been at several other clubs over the years, I can honestly say I have never before had the privilege of working with a more efficient, devoted committee member. I will miss her no-nonsense approach, her absolute belief in the correctness of what she knew to be true.
Lisa will continue in the role of Tournament Director and we wish her a happy bridge year, unencumbered with all the other onerous duties she has accepted in the past.
A very large thank-you from all who know you, Lisa.
Roy Hayward